You know I love old movies and one thing you notice right off is that the stars wore glamourous lingerie! Both under the structured suits and at home lounging around, pretty lingerie reigned. What ARE we missing living in sweats? Laine is an expert in vintage lingerie. She is the owner of the the shop
Fancy Pants and More, where you can find glam from every era. I recently interviewed Laine about her
vintage lingerie shop!
Robin: Hi, Laine! When did you start selling vintage and how did you get into that?
Laine: I actually started selling antiques more than 35 years ago. Just basically buying and reselling. Vintage was not really a word at that time, at least not one that was used in association with anything but wine. My love for all things old began as a young girl. My mom didn't understand my obsession with her old things. I started selling online in 2003 and that's when the bug really hit.
Robin: Has your shop evolved/changed?
Laine: I started out selling mainly vintage toys and advertising, as well as some glassware. I fell into selling lingerie, which I collected, strictly by accident. I was looking to buy some bras, fairly inexpensively, so I was browsing eBay and started bidding on some. They went for so much money that I thought, heck, I will just sell my too small bras on here. So I listed them and within minutes I was getting messages and offers to buy them and any other lingerie I had. I had no idea that vintage or used lingerie was such a hot commodity. I knew I liked it, but to find out there was a market for it, sort of threw me for a loop in a very good way. It was nice to see others appreciate the beauty and quality I was appreciating.
Robin: It's funny how we vinites curate our shops differently. Each of us seems drawn to something, it's like we have our own style. What makes your site unique, what makes it stand out from others selling the same types of items?
Laine: I try to offer all price ranges, to have something to fit any budget. Unlike other lingerie sellers, I do not do repairs. I just price the item lower and leave it up to the buyer to do any repairs. It allows me to sell at a lower range and most people do not mind minor repairs or spot cleaning, when it means they can get a bargain.
Robin: Affordable vintage glam, I love it! Could you pick your favorite item for sale right now and tell me what makes it special?
Laine: As far as lingerie, this piece is one of my favorites.

I am mad about chiffon overlays and Vanity Fair is one of my favorite brands for vintage. I have a couple Olga's that I also love. But to give one favorite, would be impossible. I love all the slips and slips are my thing. I love to sleep in them during the summer and lounge around in them on hot evenings. Sitting on my porch, sipping sweet tea, makes me feel like Elizabeth Taylor in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof!
Robin: Oh, that's a classic image! Any goals you'd like to share?
Laine: I just completed my big goal, which was to open my own website. My next big goal is to become one of the top lingerie sellers on the Internet.

Robin: Your own website, that's a big step toward becoming one of the biggest sellers. Laine, we always like to know the woman behind the business. Tell me some fun facts about you, yourself.
Laine: Well for one, I worked in construction for many years. It was a field that not many women were in and it was tough at times. Even though my work was mainly office oriented, some of the job took place on the job sites and some of the men did not like a woman overseeing the jobs. I can lay carpet, hang drywall, paint, cut trim, lay linoleum and sub flooring, install toilets and just about any other thing with regards to building or home improvement.
I am also a free lance writer. I used to own a desktop publishing company and had a greeting card line, mostly humorous, but also for weddings, funerals, etc. I did a lot of custom work, such as invitations and business cards. I write poetry and have had a few things published over the years.
I sing and have sung at funerals, weddings, and charity events as well as private parties.
Robin: Okay, I am just picturing you in your overalls...with vintage lingerie underneath, of course! Thanks for joining us, Laine. It's fascinating to peek inside your world!