In 1928, a dear named S.D.S. cross-stiched this beauty with the saying:
"To food and drink add song and jest
You will always be a welcome guest
I just love the colonial pair with one toasting the other..after singing for his dinner? Or telling a great joke? Since I have such a terrible singing voice and can't remember a joke (my husband thinks that makes me a GREAT wife!), I'm out of luck! The saying, unfortunately, has almost disappeared with age, but the gents and their intent and all other colors are vibrant. It's in an old frame, not sure if it's original or not.
Anyway, I just wanted to show you this! I seem to have a knack for stumbling across samplers from the 1920s, which aren't as pricey as the ones that are from the 1800s, but no less charming! For all the details on this 1920s Silhouette Sampler <---click there! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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