February 28, 2012

Top Hat! Where did you go, what did you see?

Just wanted to show you this real cool beaver top hat from the 1800s! A must-have for the Steampunk fans and also for Civil War Re-enacters.

I found this one at an estate sale in the countryside west of Philadelphia. When I look at a hat like this, it is obviously well-traveled. Not a prop or costume, it sat in a hat box after its owner put it aside for the last time, probably a hundred years ago. Waiting in an attic waiting to be prized again. It's original owner wrote his initials in it.

Who knows what this hat saw and heard? The Gettysburg Address? A Philadelphia "A"s game in the late 1800s? Had it strolled around Rittenhouse Square on a spring day, complete with ascot and spats? Ridden in a horseless carriage in the spendor of an autumn day in Chester County? Was it the dear upscale possession of a young turk trying to make his way in the world? Or the every day hat of a Main Line patriarch? We will never know, but it's fun to wonder!

Some vintage collectors claim to "feel" old owners. I don't. But I like to wonder about them. And there's something just so wonderful about a hat that has seen history...of some fashion! And now it's ready for its second spring, out of the box and ready to live again! Here's where you can find this vintage top hat!

February 24, 2012

Vintage Lingerie, the Ultimate in Glamour! Interview with Laine from Fancy Pants and More

You know I love old movies and one thing you notice right off is that the stars wore glamourous lingerie! Both under the structured suits and at home lounging around, pretty lingerie reigned. What ARE we missing living in sweats? Laine is an expert in vintage lingerie. She is the owner of the the shop Fancy Pants and More, where you can find glam from every era. I recently interviewed Laine about her vintage lingerie shop!

Robin: Hi, Laine! When did you start selling vintage and how did you get into that?

Laine: I actually started selling antiques more than 35 years ago. Just basically buying and reselling. Vintage was not really a word at that time, at least not one that was used in association with anything but wine. My love for all things old began as a young girl. My mom didn't understand my obsession with her old things. I started selling online in 2003 and that's when the bug really hit.

Robin: Has your shop evolved/changed?

Laine: I started out selling mainly vintage toys and advertising, as well as some glassware. I fell into selling lingerie, which I collected, strictly by accident. I was looking to buy some bras, fairly inexpensively, so I was browsing eBay and started bidding on some. They went for so much money that I thought, heck, I will just sell my too small bras on here. So I listed them and within minutes I was getting messages and offers to buy them and any other lingerie I had. I had no idea that vintage or used lingerie was such a hot commodity. I knew I liked it, but to find out there was a market for it, sort of threw me for a loop in a very good way. It was nice to see others appreciate the beauty and quality I was appreciating.

Robin: It's funny how we vinites curate our shops differently. Each of us seems drawn to something, it's like we have our own style. What makes your site unique, what makes it stand out from others selling the same types of items?

Laine: I try to offer all price ranges, to have something to fit any budget. Unlike other lingerie sellers, I do not do repairs. I just price the item lower and leave it up to the buyer to do any repairs. It allows me to sell at a lower range and most people do not mind minor repairs or spot cleaning, when it means they can get a bargain.

Robin: Affordable vintage glam, I love it! Could you pick your favorite item for sale right now and tell me what makes it special?

Laine: As far as lingerie, this piece is one of my favorites. I am mad about chiffon overlays and Vanity Fair is one of my favorite brands for vintage. I have a couple Olga's that I also love. But to give one favorite, would be impossible. I love all the slips and slips are my thing. I love to sleep in them during the summer and lounge around in them on hot evenings. Sitting on my porch, sipping sweet tea, makes me feel like Elizabeth Taylor in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof!

Robin: Oh, that's a classic image! Any goals you'd like to share?

Laine: I just completed my big goal, which was to open my own website. My next big goal is to become one of the top lingerie sellers on the Internet.

Robin: Your own website, that's a big step toward becoming one of the biggest sellers. Laine, we always like to know the woman behind the business. Tell me some fun facts about you, yourself.

Laine: Well for one, I worked in construction for many years. It was a field that not many women were in and it was tough at times. Even though my work was mainly office oriented, some of the job took place on the job sites and some of the men did not like a woman overseeing the jobs. I can lay carpet, hang drywall, paint, cut trim, lay linoleum and sub flooring, install toilets and just about any other thing with regards to building or home improvement.

I am also a free lance writer. I used to own a desktop publishing company and had a greeting card line, mostly humorous, but also for weddings, funerals, etc. I did a lot of custom work, such as invitations and business cards. I write poetry and have had a few things published over the years.

I sing and have sung at funerals, weddings, and charity events as well as private parties.

Robin: Okay, I am just picturing you in your overalls...with vintage lingerie underneath, of course! Thanks for joining us, Laine. It's fascinating to peek inside your world!

February 2, 2012

St. Patrick's Day, Vintage Style

I was raised in south Florida, where decorating the home for Chrismas was considered just a little weird by people like my parents, who had a hard time connecting palm trees and Santa. And St. Patrick's Day was prime beach time, when suntan lotion and beach towels draped over the chair were the decor, not leprechaun figurines! When I moved to the Philadelphia area, I was totally enchanted by the lavish decorations for every holiday in almost every home. Especially in South Philadelphia, the Italian neighborhood, where every rowhouse decorated their front windows, whether huge bays or modest one window affairs, each holiday deserved to done up in style.

You know, St. Pat's is to be celebrated, whether you're Irish or not! Those within walking distance to St. Monica's know he's a Saint, all the same.

So I was a little surprised when I found these St. Patrick's day pieces recently, to realize they were...pretty old! I never realized that people did decorate with the "little holidays" so much back in the day. But labels prove it, and these cuties deserve to come back out of a box and onto a windowsill, or table or office desk. I'm on the lookout now, maybe I'll even find a rainbow .... and that pot of gold!

January 27, 2012

Any Old Time off of Artfire

The big news at AnyOldTime is that I no longer am associated in any way with the site "Artfire". It turned out to be just a terrible place for me. Apparently, an awful lot of other folks who sell well elsewhere on the internet also found it was a terrible match for them. The owner reported that they went from 85,000 sellers to 15,000 recently. Unfortunately, I used their blog feature to blog about my vintage, but am back here in the big time!

Anyway, I moved the few items I had remaining in this failed experiment at having eggs in more than one basket...over to Etsy, where they sold quickly. As one of my colleagues at Etsy said recently, "If the basket is full of holes...what good is that basket?"

As you may know, I am also a portrait artist, so the fall and early winter are very, very busy for me in that area of my life. You can see some of my portraits <----there, or in my Etsy portrait shop

Etsy is a becoming a very viable place for me to show and sell my smaller portraits.

As far as my vintage is concerned, I almost sold out my shop while I was busy with the portraits, so have been spending the past week or so photographing and listing the vintage that have been waiting for me in boxes! I can't believe all the wonderful items I'm rediscovering! Check it out, here at my etsy shop, Any Old Time Vintage

July 19, 2011

Black and Gold 1950s vintage pottery - Mid-Century glam!

I just love this swanky 1950s vase with its glossy black finish covered with a textured gold trim! I buy every single piece of the black with gold 1950s pottery pieces I find, and I'm surprised that they haven't yet become a trend among collectors.

EVERY bedroom bookcase sported these pieces. So did the tops of the t.v.s and two tiered end tables! One of the best things about these pieces is how durable they are. 60 plus years and you rarely see a chip, crack or crazing!

So, since I love them, I declare they are the next vintage trend! What do you think?

July 12, 2011

Ebay too! Find vintage from any old time!

I am finding Ebay to be a great place to buy and sell vintage. Like this darling antique tea caddy! Or stunning beaded purse. I know it will reach more people with Ebay's incredible traffic! Maybe not this time around, but my experience has been that nearly all of my items I list on ebay sell within a few weeks.

As opposed to Artfire that has no traffic to speak of and no plans on attracting it. For that reason, I'm putting my replacement china pieces all on Artfire. Maybe someone will find it there.

And then, for the more quirky, romantic, swanky vintage...my Etsy Shop! Any Old Time Vintage is THE place! Come visit me everywhere!

May 20, 2011

Victorian Paper Punch Motto Sampler and more this Friday

This Victorian Paper Punch Motto Sampler in its original Adirondack frame is listed on Ebay, along with some other great old items! Find me AOTV, I have been having luck finding these motto samplers lately, this one has as its motto the name of the hymn the orchestra on the Titanic reportedly played on deck as the ship sank.

Also on Ebay, two vintage radios, a vintage or antique cloisonne matchbox cover, a really cool vintage record album rack, super vintage standard poodle figures and more!

This week on Artfire, I have listed more replacement china dinnerware patterns, a beautiful old pewter wine taster or porringer, and a swanky atomic orange plastic boomerang ashtray!

On Etsy, we have a super vintage paint by number handpainted tole tray with birds, a cute vintage spaniel figurine, a baby nursery wall box with lamb decals and more real victorian era lithograph prints. Also have a "new" vintage McCoy pottery piece.

I've been super busy with my family the past week, and the garden isn't quite in, but more to come! To see my whole blog, just click on the banner at the top of the page. Thanks for stopping!

April 29, 2011

Shawnee Cookie Jar Bottom or now a bowl?

v. Isn't it cute as a mixing bowl? Sturdy little Shawnee cookie jar bottom with no top..one of my auction finds this week that I just had to get up and listed...this one is in my Artfire shop. I found the cookie jar online but I don't even LIKE the top, but love the bottom! So, if this never sells, it's got a great home with me in my vintage kitchen, I am thinking utensils? Or maybe breadsticks?

I had a really busy Ebay week, with stuff listed and sold before the week was out. My favorite new vintage items are another 1940s tweed suitcase with stripes and a fabulous bombshell vintage bathing suit with a square neckline! And a vintage humidor, a neat Lands End garment bag that's not being made anymore and a really neat vintage wall sconce. More to come AFTER ... the gardening today, hopefully!!

I haven't listed much in Artfire this week, and things seem ... unsettled on Etsy this week ... problems with them losing my items in Google shopping, etc.

But the big news of the week is not online at all for me, it's that I have been going ga-ga for gardening, got 2 flats of petunias into the ground, which is a milestone because it means I got the beds all prepped and ready to stick seeds all around the petunias, which I consider a filler annual. The irises are thisclose to blooming, the lettuce and spinach are yummy, and yes, I have neglected my three little shops somewhat this week!

Want to see everything in all of them? Here's Artfire, here's Any Old Time Vintage at Etsy and here's ebay

April 22, 2011

Fabulous Friday Vintage Finds - 4-22-11 - Op Art, Carved Box and More Victorian Art

Far out! I just listed this groovy Op Art psychedelic record album carrier on Ebay! Listing is free for the first 50 items a month and the traffic is incredible there, so I will be listing at least 50 items a month! Here's another great piece, a 1940s tweed stripe suitcase. Just getting started though, had a wild and busy week, all fun. We sold an old truck that hubby was hoping to restore but gave up on, so a whole new garden patch to work!
In my Any Old Time Vintage on Etsy, I did get a few things listed including this midcentury Asian decor recipe box. And even more real Victorian chromolithographs. I love this genuine Victorian art to offer, so romantic, huh? If you missed my blog all about Victorian chromolithographs, just click on the banner on the top of the page, and you'll see my whole blog!

In my Artfire shop this week, I just tinkered with my vintage for sale, come see them all!

But I bought a ton of unbelievably wonderful vintage this week that I am preparing to photograph and list for you! Want to receive my newsletter every Friday? Just click on "follow", or as more and more vinties are doing, follow by email, up on the upper right of this blog!

April 14, 2011

Victorian Chromolithograph Prints - What are they?

I LOVE these Victorian prints, and snapped them up at a recent auction. They are chromolithographs and the colors are as vivid as the day they were made 120 or so years ago. So I had to find out about this process...what exactly is it and when and why were they made?

I totally love researching things like this!

I found that chromolithography was the technique to make inexpensive art for "regular" folks back in Victorian times. Often, a beautiful chromolitho was included in the magazines of the day, often to illustrate a short story. They were meant to be removed from the magazine and framed and enjoyed, beautiful Victorian wall art!

The technique was very labor intensive, more than 20 lithograph stones were often used, and they had to line up properly. The color is gob-smacking brilliant, my scans don't do them justice. The workmanship is mind-boggling. Can you imagine how striking it would be to have an array of these original prints?

I'm listing these in both of my Etsy shops and on my artfire one. The ones including animals are going into my pet portraits and animal art, the others in my Vintage Shop.

I am going to search for vintage frames for these beauties. These Victorian art prints are being sold shipped flat and ready to mat and frame. Any additional info you can add about them? Please comment!

April 8, 2011

Fabulous Friday Vintage Finds - 4/8/2011 - Hand Painted Photographs

I didn't wait til the Washington DC Japanese Cherry Tree festival to list this pretty vintage handcolored photograph, I just found it this week! And it's my Friday Find of the week! It's by 1920s - 1950s photographer and artist Royal Carlock, who specialized in D.C. landscape scenes like this. Back in the era of just black and white photos, hand coloring photos was the way to get color. So each one, interestingly, is a one of a kind. Wallace Nutting is the most famous artist of this medium, but Carlock is among the others. I come across them from time to time, and usually they are faded, but this one is in great condition and in its original frame! There are special oil based tints that you use. Anyway, I love the notion of one of a kind! And the trees shown are probably not there anymore, they have a life span and cultivars from the originals have been planted. Washington is only 2 hours from me and such a great city to visit. As an artist and history buff, I can find something fun to see every time I go! Anyway, beside this beauty, some of the pieces I listed this week already sold, but here's more! The Hollywood Regency vanity mirror set I blogged about earlier (click on my banner to see my whole blog!), an antique French and Company Martha Washington Gravy Boat, another neat 1970s mug, a 1960s skinny tie and more authentic vintage! Tomorrow I'm doing a local school flea market with the boxes and boxes of non-vintage that I acquire at box lots at auctions I attend all winter. Everything is marked between $1 and $3, so if you are in the Delaware County, PA or Philadelphia area, come on over to the Interboro High School flea sponsored by the MOMS club! And say hi!

April 2, 2011

Vintage Hen on Nest - Blue body and white head by Westmoreland

I found this sweet blue and white hen on nest at an auction last summer but rediscovered it in a box, wrapped in newspaper. It was like Christmas all over again, finding this vintage kitchen collectible
nesting...or nestled...in last year's papers, just getting older and better with age!

I can even recall standing in the hot and humid sun, hoping to get a chance to win the table that this beautiful glass dish from Westmoreland was perched on!

I've seen lots of hens on nests, but this one is spectacular, with it's coloring and split tail, and she's in fabulous condition! She's in my Any Old Time shop at Etsy.

April 1, 2011

Fabulous Friday Vintage Finds - 4/1/11 - From Any Old Time

A bit of vintage from any old time is literally true with this week's Fabulous Friday finds!

Here's a 1960s green and gold lamp, I also had a really old candy tin that sold within moments of listing!

And a redware dog, 1970s crewel pictures, more silhouette pictures, depression glass amber refrigerator box, recipe box, and my favorite of the week, a vintage carved music box that is of Mack the Knife but plays Born Free by assembly mix up.

Now, Mack the Knife has special memories for me. One of my first memories ever is of my fun and smart and gorgeous mom singing along with Bobby Darin and dancing with a broom to "Mack the Knife", then sweeping me up and dancing with ME.

And "Born Free" was the first non-fiction book I ever read and I still love non-fiction. I especially love to read about people having adventures in Antartica and Africa and on the high seas while I sit with my feet up by the fire with a cup of tea or glass of wine!

All these and more listed this week on Any Old Time Vintage on Etsy.

I went to an auction this week that was full of trash, and I mean that literally. A filthy, grease encrusted toaster, a half bag of kitty litter, broken stuff, and yes, I waited for nearly two hours til some great vintage clocks came up for bid! I'll be showing them to you soon! But they both work, they're both vintage from different eras and they are both spectacular!

Thanks for stopping by this week! Follow my blog, I'll be offering specials and contests down the road!

March 27, 2011

Vintage Glass Refrigerator Box - Save your leftovers safely & in style with Vintage Depression Glass!

Yes they are lovely! But vintage depression glass refrigerator boxes are as useful as they are pretty.

Hard to find now, but the best thing then and now for storage of cheese and leftovers. I started collecting these a while ago when questions were first raised about what exactly plastic containers were leaking into our food. Of course, lots of people now question the safety of plastic for food, they are made from PETROLEUM, after all.

And you know glass can go into the dishwasher! Elegant enough to be a storage container in a retro kitchen, boudoir or bath...or even an office! This beauty is a lovely amber color, I have them in green and clear, too. Click on the underlined text to see more glass, and other quirky, romantic and stylish vintage from Any Old Time!

Want updates, secret sales and other info on vintage? Sign up as either a follower or email for all my news!

March 25, 2011

Fabulous Friday Vintage Finds - 3/25/11 from Any Old Time

Retro Red seems to be the vintage theme this week, with red and white monogrammed 1970s cups, a 1950s wood barrel cookie jar with red letters and even a red kettle bank! I have a neat slanted glass canister with a big plastic red knob coming, but the photos are not up to par, so that will come.

Also new are an adorable old teddy bear, a metal toy horse, and really pretty silvertone vanity mirror, among others, all on my Etsy Vintage shop.

I think more vanity are coming, and lots more of everything.

This week I spent more time moving in person and online than I did listing. As I mentioned earlier in the week, I'm moving all of my items from my failed experiment of trying to sell on Artfire, and was so encouraged that two of the items formerly languishing there sold in very short order on Etsy!

And I am moving my vintage work/storage room from the smallest room in the upstairs to the largest, which gave me an opportunity to clean the very back of the closets and actually get rid of things nobody has wanted or needed for 6 years!

I did also get to a flea market this week but not with my good vintage. Instead, I took the nice-but-not-vintage I find or get in box lots at the auctions and estate sales I go to. The weather isn't cooperating for more outdoor things for a while (since they start in the wee hours of the morning) so now that I'm organized, I'll be listing lots more on Etsy. Ebay starts up again in mid April, when listing with no fees begins. I'll have both vintage AND artwork of my own, other contemporary artists, old lithographs, vintage artwork..just a ton of interesting things up for grabs.

I'm also planning on a sale for my blog followers, only, so sign up to save! Thanks for stopping by another edition of my Friday newsletter!

March 24, 2011

Silhouette Saying Cross-stich Sampler- Needlework from the 1920s

In 1928, a dear named S.D.S. cross-stiched this beauty with the saying:

"To food and drink add song and jest
You will always be a welcome guest

I just love the colonial pair with one toasting the other..after singing for his dinner? Or telling a great joke? Since I have such a terrible singing voice and can't remember a joke (my husband thinks that makes me a GREAT wife!), I'm out of luck! The saying, unfortunately, has almost disappeared with age, but the gents and their intent and all other colors are vibrant. It's in an old frame, not sure if it's original or not.

Anyway, I just wanted to show you this! I seem to have a knack for stumbling across samplers from the 1920s, which aren't as pricey as the ones that are from the 1800s, but no less charming! For all the details on this 1920s Silhouette Sampler <---click there! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

March 22, 2011

Vintage Industrial Chic fan - midcentury modern classic

I spotted this fabulous vintage industrial chic fan made in 1960 at a garage sale where it sat, sad and dusty and forgotten on a bottom shelf.

So I inquired and got it! Don't you just love the sleek midcentury modern design? Not a smidge of plastic on this beauty.

I've learned to take a look around at garage sales at what's NOT on the table...the things I love the best are often thought of by their owners as too old to be salable. And they think an "antique" is a chair or a dish! Authentic vintage at its best here at Any Old Time!

October 15, 2010

Vintage Batter Bowl Mixing bowl yellow with red stripes

I found this sweet vintage batter bowl at an auction here near Philadelphia. I knew it was old, I knew it was unbelievably charming, and I knew any bowl collectors would want it for their kitchen collection!

What I did't know was how difficult it would be to identify it! I tried ebay, etsy, vintage village. I asked for help from antique dealers online and off. I looked in books, at pottery sites. I tried again every week or so, hoping a similar bowl would find its way online. STRIKE OUT!

What I do know is that it's heavy, 8 1/2 plus inches wide, made of white clay with yellow glaze and maroon red criss cross stripes. It's probably from the studio of an individual potter or small company from the late 1930s to early 1950s, that likely didn't do too well or maybe went off to war...who knows? Because this is so rare!

But I like to think that makes it even more welcome in the vintage kitchen! If you know anything that could help i.d. this bowl, can you let me know?

And if you're interested in putting this darling in your home, it's in my Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/listing/59046939/vintage-batter-mixing-bowl-pottery along with lots more details! Thanks for stopping by!! Robin

October 11, 2010

Antique Plateau Vanity Mirror

I do love those romantic dresser items, mirrors, antique brushes and comb vanity sets, boudoir lamps and trinket boxes! So I snapped this pretty antique plateau vanity mirror up! I could just envision perfume bottles reflected in the beveled mirror making someone's bedroom dresser just sparkle with sophisticated charm!

But when I started researching it, I found that Victorians used these in their dining rooms! A really snazzy and gilded age type piece to put on a table to hold a centerpiece. Now, you may already know that...I am fairly new to antiques, mostly specializing in quirky, romatic and stylish 1930s to mad men era pieces. But it does go to prove that once you get the vintage bug, you never stop learning!

Here's more info on this antique plateau vanity mirror.

July 26, 2010

Vintage Individual bone china Fondeville English Breakfast Set in blue and white...


This set of blue and white bone china for an individual breakfast is one of my favorite things, I can just imagine "breakfast in bed" for that special day for that special person!

One of my favorite things to do at auctions is to purchase an entire table or box lot. If I see AN item I know will fit in my online vintage shop, I love to take the gamble that things I know nothing about will be a nice fit as well.

That's what happened with this set. I found it just kind of chucked onto a table and didn't really even pay much attention to it til I got it home.

For one thing, it had been stowed away somewhere so long, it was covered in that dirty, dusty, been there forever grime. So I wasn't even sure if it was usable, much less salable. And being old, I had no intention of putting it in the dishwasher. But it was just some grime and a sinkful of sudsy hot water turned it into an immaculate, sparkling treasure.

I put it in my little maple china cabinet in my dining room and snapped some photos! I love the design, the little light blue daffodil that is perfectly captured on the dome entree cover! And an egg cup, individual tea or coffee server with sugar and creamer, toast dish and fruit or cereal bowl are just so pretty to display, but honestly, if you were ill in bed, wouldn't breakfast in bed with this set be just what the doctor SHOULD order?

Pricing was took me a while for two reasons...one was that I had to decide whether to offer the set as a set even though there is some damage to some pieces...and the other is that this is so unusual. It was hard to find a comparable set. I found bits and pieces, but that didn't tell me much. It wasn't hard to find the company that made it, the pieces are all marked.

And I decided to offer it as a set. If it doesn't work out, I can always break it into individual pieces, but even with the most major defects (cup handle repaired and big chip off the creamer spout), I think it's interesting enough and usable that most vintage or antique collectors would want to own the whole set. If that's YOU, click on this link:

http://www.etsy.com/listing/51911639/vintage-english-breakfast-set-blue-and and if you'd like to see all of my vintage wonderfuls currently for sale, they're here! http://anyoldtime.etsy.com/. I also do Rice's Market in New Hope PA on many Tuesdays and the Golden Nugget Art and Antique Flea in Lambertville, NJ on many Wednesdays, so have other cool items there as well!

July 12, 2010

Decalcomania - A pre World War II vintage decorated pencil box

I knew it was an old vintage decorated box. I have photos of the lady who owned it as a teenager, dressed in her flapper finery. I knew it was German, and pre WWII because of the stamp on the back of the box. I knew it was a pencil box by the configuration of the inside. I knew it was gorgeous! But what I didn't know was how it was decorated!

As I ran my finger along the decorations, I could see they were raised. Some were faded, some still very vibrant in colors. But I could tell it wasn't handpainted because of the sameness of all of the figures and the perfect electrified gaslight lines that some of the birds were perched on. Internet research didn't help me out, but finally a clue from another vintage seller: Decalcomania!

It's decals. Old decals. Decalcomania was a decorating craze in the late 1800s extending into the early 1900s. Used to decorate china and other household items, this ebony pencil box was a super example of crafting way back when! The decals are printed on a surface that when wetted, enabled the crafter to slide the sheet of colorful birds and ivy right onto the box.
Since this box is a pencil box (although it can be used for so many other things!), it's likely that it slightly predates the flapper photo, so probably was crafted in the 19teens to 1920s. At any rate, it is a gorgeous vintage example of a historical craft and stands alone as a useful piece for any vintage collection. The metal clasp still works perfectly!
The mysteries of collecting vintage are so much of the charm to me! It's like just a tiny piece of history...one that doesn't involve kings or politicians, but every day women and men...that makes it so fascinating. Click on the link, if you are interested in more info and photos or in purchasing this wonderful vintage decalcomania pencil box.

And lots more vintage wonderfuls here: in our online vintage shop.

July 7, 2010

Gorgeous HUGE Square Milk glass fruit bowl - And how we found it

Just when I wrote off certain neighborhoods as being "bad vintage", I found this enormous milk glass fruit bowl in the attic at a house contents sale where the other floors were full of nuttin' much. She said, "including attic" and up I went.

The only light was from a small little bulb on one end and the little ventillation window on the other other. You know that hot, dusty attic smell that catches your breath? There I was. I rooted through tons and tons of papers, plastic and empty boxes and found just a few little gems..this was one.

It didn't LOOK like milk glass...it was pretty brown and dusty, but I knew that what was underneath was spectacular!

Sure enough, a good washing brought out a sweet centerpiece that is both vintage and timeless.

It's a little over 10" square, and is in good vintage condition. Issues: small hairline crack on one edge and a few "flea bite" chips on undersides of lacey opening. We've priced to reflect it's less than perfect condition. I love how the sides are fluted and slightly crimped and the edges look lacey but not too-too fussy. An elegant piece for your tabletop, dresser or vintage inspired office! We are offering this pretty piece at $18.50 plus shipping, and checkout is easy, here: at our vintage decor shop at Etsy! Here are additional photos.

June 29, 2010

Art & Antique Market Show on Wed., June 29, 2010. 7 a.m. til?

In the Philadelphia, New York, New Jersey area? We will be showing tons of beautiful vintage at the Golden Nugget Art and Antique Flea Market on Wednesday, June 30, 2010! Look for the balloon with the "V" for Vintage! It's us! We'll have a selection of quirk, fun and stylish vintage, from designer pocketbooks for the 50s and 60s, planters and figurines from the 40s, men's fedoras, hippie chick macrame belts and bags, collectible china, jewelry, kitchen, entertainment and tons more! More info and directions HERE..

Not able to stop by? Lots more vintage in our Online Vintage Shop!

We might do the Columbus Antiques and Collectibles market on Thursday, check back tomorrow if you're in the area. Other places we show are Rice's Market in New Hope, PA and the New Castle Farmer's Market in historic New Castle, DE.

Rare McCoy Triple Planter from 1951!

Vintage triple planter made by McCoy in 1951, a lovely blue-green with that luscious McCoy glaze. $34.50 plus shipping.

I've had this piece for 2 months trying to authenticate it, as you know, not all McCoys are signed...this one isn't...so it took a lot of tracking to find it.

Finally found it in the third McCoy reference book I tried. So a great addition to the McCoy collector, or a stand out piece for anyone who appreciates vintage pottery and outstanding design!

Stylish and timeless, it is in absolutely perfect vintage condition. No chips or cracks and crazing is appropriate with age. There is one spot of missed glazing on one leaf tip, it is not chipped, underglaze and the integrity of the leaf is intact. Appx. 3 1/4" tall and 10 3/4" x 3 3/4".

For more details, photos or to purchase, click HERE! to be takent to our Etsy shop and checkout.

Vintage MOD silk foldover clutch purse in an abstract design by Ingber!

Stunning and unusual foldover clutch in bright multicolored midcentury modern abstract vintage styling from Ingber. Fun for day and a knockout in the evening.

This gorgeous purse lived in a collection by a discerning handbag collector and she kept her treasures pristine by carefully wrapping inside and out with tissue.

The design is circles within circles...so sixties...and features chartreause, dove gray, bright orange, hot pink and eggplant purple. $28.50 plus shipping.

For more photos, info or to purchase, click HERE to be taken to our Etsy checkout. Or email us if you'd rather pay by check or money order.

Vintage Cigarette box - or trinket box - candy dish - turquoise ceramic with kicky mid-century modern handle!

Ceramic box with distict, midcentury modern sleek design. Turquoise with brown speckled box features an stylish handle and can be used for so many things, besides just being lovely...cigarettes, if you use them, paper clips or notes on your desk, cotton balls or q-tips in the vintage bath, matches on your retro porch! More photos and very easy checkout HERE at our Any Old Time Shop on Etsy.

Vintage Donkey Pottery Planter


Whew, boy, this vintage donkey planter has ATTITUDE! He's about 6" long 4" tall, in pristine condition, and painted with so much personality! He was made in Japan, and is marked "Made in Japan".

No chips, no cracks, just a tad crazing, he's in gorgeous vintage conditon and perfect for your vintage home or office!
We found him on the third floor of a "junk" store in one of those old towns on the Delaware River. Here's a few more photos of him: